On Golden Pond

June 4, 5, 18, 19 2010
Old Palmyra School
Written by Ernest Thompson
Directed by Caitlin Pitts

Cast: (L to R)

Operator…Gina Woodring
Bill Ray…Jim Campbell
Chelsea Thayer Wayne…Page Gifford
Norman Thayer…Warren Johnson
Ethel Thayer…Ann Small
Charlie Martin…Brian Hamshar
Billy Ray…Niall Campbell

Production Crew:

Director…Caitlin Pitts
Producer…Bob Strohmayer
Set Design…Warren Johnson
Set Construction…George Gaige, William Hanson, Warren Johnson, Al Martin, Caitlin Pitts, Bob Sorenson, Bob Strohmayer
Art Work…(Posters, Background, Fireplace) William Hanson
Props…Bob Strohmayer
Stage Manager…Gina Woodring
Back Stage Crew…Bob Strohmayer, Alyson Small
Publicity…Marianne Hill
Program…Page Gifford
Tickets…Flo Strohmayer
Lighting and Sound…Stephen Krause

Photography: Courtesy of O.T. Holen